How to clean black mold in the shower?

Black mold in the shower is one of the most stubborn cleaning nightmares in every home. The worst thing it’s that it’s like a boomerang – it always comes back. No matter how persistent we are in cleaning there’s a possibility that black mold will always come back. How to clean black mold in the shower?

Black mold can be cleaned with products you already have at home:  bleach and paper towels, white vinegar,  baking soda, or lemon. Every one of these products can be your best pal in the fight against black mold. Besides, products like Wet & Forget Shower Cleaner, and Benefect Botanical Decon 30 Disinfectant are quite effective too!

Below, you’ll find out more about cleaning techniques that will help you to send mold away and be at peace with it for a while. Some tricks you’ll find there we’ll become part of your cleaning routine for sure.

How to clean black mold in the shower?

Black mold is a health hazard and can be dangerous. If you have black mold in your shower, you need to clean it out as soon as possible.

To find out how to clean black mold in the shower, follow these steps:

1. Remove water

Get rid of all the water from your shower by turning off the water supply and removing the drain plug at the bottom of the tub or shower stall. Use a towel to soak up any remaining water on top of or around the tiles or walls where you’re working.

2. Protect yourself

Wear protective clothing, including rubber gloves and goggles if possible, because black mold spores can irritate your respiratory system and eyes.

3. Prepare the area

Use a scrub brush with stiff bristles and hot water to clean off all visible dirt, mildew, and soap scum from your shower walls and floor.

This will get rid of some of the spores that cause allergies and respiratory problems for most people who are allergic to them.

4. Prepare the mixture

Mix 1/4 cup bleach with 1 gallon of warm water in a bucket, then pour this mixture over your entire shower area (including tile grout) until all areas are covered. Let this sit for at least 30 min.

5. Clean the area

Thoroughly clean the entire shower using a sponge or soft cloth and soapy water. Remove any debris from the grout lines and tile joints with an old toothbrush that is no longer in use.

Thoroughly rinse the walls, floor, and ceiling with warm water. Use an exhaust fan while you are doing this step because mold spores can be released into the air when you spray water on them.

What you’ll need to remove bathroom mold?

How to clean black mold in the shower

In this section, you’ll discover which products you can use to clean black mold in the shower.

First, we’ll learn how to get rid of black mold naturally.

The good news is that you can use products you already have in your home!

  1. Bleach and paper towel

Pour bleach into a plastic container and take a few sheets of paper towels and soak it in. Apply the bleach-soaked paper towel to the base of the black mold. Press it well. Leave towels there for an hour, or overnight if possible.

Afterward, just remove towels and the area with warm water. Repeat if needed. Make sure you’re wearing gloves while doing this!

  1. White distilled vinegar

White vinegar is an inexpensive, natural solution for removing black mold. Antibacterial properties make it ideal for cleaning up this nemesis of a clean bathroom.

Just pour the vinegar directly onto the stain or spray it on it. Leave it there for an hour. Wipe the area clean with water and allow the surface to dry. An unpleasant smell will evaporate within a few hours.

  1. Baking soda

Add one-quarter of a tablespoon of baking soda to a spray bottle with water,  and shake it. Spray the molded area with the mixture and scrub it with the brush.

Afterward, rinse the surface with warm water to remove the remains of soda and mold. Spray one more time and let it dry itself. For hardcore mold stains you can increase the amount of baking soda and make a thick paste.

  1. Lemon

Squeeze one or two lemons in a cup and apply the juice to the molded surface. Leave it there for five minutes and scrub it afterward. Lemon juice is an excellent remedy for removing mold stains.

It works well as a non-toxic alternative to chemical-based black mold removers. It’s safe for your family and the environment.

Can I clean the black mold myself?

There is no need for hiring professionals for removing mold, you can do it yourself with the right cleaning agent and a little bit of patience. You can use natural products like baking soda or white vinegar.

Alternatively, you can buy some chemical-based cleaning solutions you can find out more about below.

What is the best cleaner for mold in the shower? 

These days on the market we can find numerous cleaning solutions for black mold as it is one of the most stubborn cleaning troubles we can experience in our households.

Seeing all of them on shelves in the markets can make us anxious when it comes to the final decision. So, what is the best cleaner for mold in the shower?

1. Wet & Forget Shower Cleaner

Wet & Forget’s mold and mildew cleaner come in three packs. It requires almost no manual cleaning.

Use it to clean mold infestations on non-porous surfaces with one swipe. Leave it for 12 hours for easier cleaning.

Its soft vanilla scent keeps the bathroom smelling fresh.

Reasons to buy

  • Requires almost no manual cleaning
  • Nice vanilla scent
  • Free from bleach and ammonia
  • Works on hard water stains

Bear in mind

  • Requires multiple applies
  • Doesn’t work on limescale

2. Benefect Botanical Decon 30 Disinfectant Cleaner

If you’re looking for a more natural solution this cleaning agent can work for you. Benefect is an excellent product for fighting fungi and bacteria.

It prevents the growth of mold and fungal infections, and it helps kill them if they do grow.

The ingredients used in Benefect include thymol, which is extracted from thyme, and that helps prevent the growth of mold.

Reasons to buy

  • Natural product
  • Safe for contact with skin and food surfaces
  • Kills viruses and bacteria

Bear in mind

  • Strong odor
  • Some users had a headache after using it

3. RMR-86 Instant Mold And Mildew Stain Remover Spray

This mold and mildew remover also kills bacteria and viruses. Its main advantage is that it’s designed to kill mold in porous places.

Also, it’s in a spray so it’s very easy to apply. The strong formula will set your shower free from mold and stains.

Reasons to buy

  • Assures fast cleaning
  • No scrubbing
  • Suitable for concrete, vinyl siding, and wood surfaces
  • Safe for use in the kitchen

Bear in mind

  • Not 100% effective for old mold stains

How to remove mold from shower caulking? 

To get rid of mold from shower caulking, you need to remove any debris first. Then let the bleach soak into your caulk for about an hour.

Afterward, scrub off the mold using a brush or sponge. Rinse the caulk thoroughly before replacing it in the shower.

How to remove black mold from silicone sealant?

Chlorine bleach gives a great result when removing mildew stains from a silicone sealant. The trick is to use toilet paper soaked in bleach and then apply it where needed.

You can also use old toothbrushes to transfer bleach into the silicone sealant.

How to Get Rid of Black Mold in Shower Grout?

For cleaning the black stains that form your grouts, mix equal parts of chlorine bleach and water in a misting bottle.

Spray this mixture onto the stain, allow it to sit for several moments, then return and spray it again. Use a scrub brush to scrub away the remaining discolorations.

How to remove mold from bathroom tiles?

The three best products for removing mold from bathroom tiles are baking soda, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide.

All three are non-toxic, completely natural, and extremely effective when it comes to viruses, bacteria, and fungi killing. Of course, they all have pros and cons but they will remove mold stains in the bathroom.

How to get rid of mold in the shower ceiling?

In case you have a lot of mold on the ceiling first you need to determine what is causing it. Most likely you have a problem with ventilation.

Also, bear in mind that if mold is on porous materials like wood or drywall you’re going to need to remove that part of the ceiling and replace it. 

In case mold is not on porous material this is how to get rid of mold in the shower ceiling:

  1. Get protective equipment (gloves, goggles) and a stool or ladder
  2. Remove the paint
  3. Mix a solution of 2 Tbl Borax, 1/4 cup vinegar, and 2 cups hot water and apply to the spot (spray it if possible)
  4. Scrub ceiling with a scouring sponge
  5. Rinse the sponge often and repeat the process if needed
  6. When you remove it spray it with a cleaning formula to gain
  7. Let it dry
  8. Sand the shower ceiling down
  9. Paint the ceiling with waterproof paint

How to clean mold from bathroom walls?

Mixing bleach and water makes a strong cleaning agent for mold removal. Apply it to the molded walls and scrub them with the brush.

Remove remains with a wet cloth. Repeat if it’s necessary. Leave it to dry itself, you can turn on ventilation to speed up the process a little bit.

How to get rid of mold behind shower tiles?

Make a mixture of one part household bleach and two parts water. Spray this mixture onto the affected area and let it sit for ten minutes.

After waiting this amount of time, you can then scrape off the mold using an old toothbrush or a coarse brush.

How to get rid of black mold on travertine?

To get rid of mildew stains on travertine you should use a solution made up of 50% bleach and 50% water. Bleach works better if it is diluted with water.

You should wait at least 15 minutes before starting the scrubbing process because waiting allows the bleach to work more effectively.

Finish by rinsing with clean water and using natural stone cleaner and sealant.

How to Remove Black Mold in Shower Drain?

Treating the drain with vinegar and or baking soda and water solution regularly keeps things clean and prevents mold spores from developing.

Shower drains contain cellulose material from soap scum, hair, and oils and lots and lots of moisture so that they can be breeding grounds for black mold growth.

Keeping them open and clear of cellulosic materials is important to prevent mold spore development.

How to Clean a Black Mold Shower Curtain?

If your shower curtain is covered in black mold too much the best thing to do is to throw it away and buy a new one since they aren’t too expensive.

However, if you want to clean it that’s possible too.

In case you have a vinyl or plastic shower curtain just mix 1 cup of baking soda with 2 cups of warm water and rub the surface with this mixture.

Rinse thoroughly with cold water and apply vinegar to remove the stains. I usually throw it in the washing machine on a quick program after it.

It will gain a beautiful smell if you add fabric softener and that will make your whole bathroom smell gorgeous. 

How dangerous is mold in the house?

All types of mold can cause serious health issues and black mold, in particular, follows a bad reputation.

Black mold, or Aspergillus niger, often causes respiratory problems including chronic bronchitis and asthma.

These conditions may be caused by exposure to high levels of endotoxin, the primary component of certain fungal cell walls. 

Having in mind how dangerous is mold in the house there is no need to explain further why it is of such importance to get rid of it.

What Causes Black Mold in Shower? 

Humidity and heat in your bathroom make it the perfect environment for mold growth.

First, mold spores appear in some tile cracks or other convenient places and afterward they grow. 

They’ve been fed by dust and other microorganisms and grow in a well-known mold that spreads rapidly. 

How to prevent mold in the shower?

There are several things to take care of if you want to know how to prevent mold in the shower. The main thing is to reduce moisture.

For mold to grow in your shower moisture is the key factor. Here are several tips on how to reduce the moisture level in order to prevent black mold:

  1. Dry soft materials

Towels, shower curtains, and floor mats are collecting moisture and as such, they are prime breeding grounds for mold.

Of course, those soft materials will be wet frequently since that’s their main purpose, but it’s essential to allow them to dry completely after every use.

  1. Fix cracked tiles

Cracked tiles are perfect for growing mold since those places are hard to dry and clean.

Mold grows easily in damp locations, so it’s important to fix cracks or holes in the walls, tiles, and grouts before it spreads.

  1. Clean tiles and grouts regularly

Regular maintenance of bathroom surfaces will not completely prevent the appearance of mold, but it will certainly help keep things under control.

Above we offered some cleaning solutions which will help you in the battle. Also, try to keep your shower dry as possible.

  1. Ventilate bathroom frequently

Last but not least – ventilation! Fresh air will help you dry all surfaces in your bathroom.

If you don’t have a window or a fan in the bathroom, install an exhaust fan to dehumidify the room.

It will take the humidity and smell away! Of course, pay attention to the volume of air moved by the fan.

Multiply the bathroom square footage by 1.1 to get the recommended air-conditioning unit size.

To sum it up

Even though mold is one of the toughest cleaning tasks in households it’s not impossible. In this article, we discovered how to clean black mold in the shower.

You’re able to choose between natural (DIY) cleaning solutions and agents you can buy on the market.

Whichever you choose you have a few simple rules to follow and you’ll accomplish your goal.

As always, we’re open to your suggestions and available for your questions, so feel free to write to us. 

Happy cleaning! 🙂

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